11am - 4pm
Join us for a free lunch the day before the Ignite Conference at one of several roundtable discussions for church planters & church-planting teams, evangelists, youth pastors, prophetic ministry, and production.
Come meet other like minded pastors & leaders that will help sharpen and grow your gifting.
Here are the roundtables that will be happening before Ignite Conference:
Unlocking the Gifts of the Spirit
Johannes Amritzer, AND Jeff & Melodie Leake
One of the biggest challenges that churches face is how to remain relevant and effective in reaching our culture, while at the same time being open to the moving of the Holy Spirit. Beyond that, how do we equip our people to learn to operate in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
If the gifts taught in 1 Corinthians 12 are for today, then how and when do we teach people to function in gifts like healing, prophecy, words of wisdom and knowledge, and Gifts of faith and miracles. How do we as pastors and leaders begin to function in these gifts as well?
YOUTH Ministry
Hosted by Eran Holt & MIcah marshall
Our time together will not only allow you to network with other youth leaders, but we’ll also focus the day on sharpening your mission and strategy of discipleship for the next generation. Plus, we’ll have some great food and load you up with tons of free resources.
Hosted by Brendon Robinson
The Creative Roundtable is designed for your whole creative team (Worship, Communications, Film, & Production).
We’ll be talking about the “Elephants” in creative ministry that are difficult to wrestle inside the contexts of our own churches. We’ll talk about longevity, discipleship, the future of creative in the church as well the tensions we all face in creative ministry. We’ll also have a time of worship and a great meal together.
Each topic/session will be set up by a presenter where they will share for a few minutes, and then engage the whole room in open and real conversations.